Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What time should my garbage be set out?
A: For our customers using cans or carts, garbage needs to be set out at their designated pickup location by 4:00 AM on your collection day. Although we strongly recommend setting your garbage carts out the night before.
Q: Is there anything that can't go in my garbage?
A: Yes, there are some items that should not be put in your regular garbage containers. These items include: appliances, large electronics, batteries, tires, dead animals, yard waste, hazardous liquid waste, hazardous solid waste, wet paint, needles/syringes and construction or demolition debris. Most of these items can be picked up separately for additional fees. Please contact us for more information. If you are renting a temporary dumpster from us, please read our Temporary Dumpster Guidelines or contact us for more information.
Q: What if I have more garbage than usual?
A: If you have extra garbage, please contact us for further instruction. Some items may require an extra charge. Larger projects, like home remodels, may require a roll-off dumpster. Construction or demolition debris cannot be included with regular household waste, so please do not put these items in your regular dumpster or cans. The weight limit for customers using our garbage carts is the equivalent of 50 pounds per 32-gallon capacity. If your container is too heavy, it will not be emptied and a notification tag will be placed on your container for further instruction.
Q: What if my garbage did not get picked up?
A: If your garbage did not get picked up on your collection day, please contact us right away. There could be several reasons why this happened:
The collection schedule was adjusted due to a holiday. These changes can usually be found in advance on our online calendar (jerryssanitation.com/calendar), as well as on our Facebook page (facebook.com/jerryssanitation). We will also send out a text message containing this information if you have signed up to receive Text Alerts.
The collection schedule was adjusted due to weather conditions or mechanical issues. Please be sure to provide a phone number and/or email address to us when you start service so we can keep you informed of the occasional schedule change. You may also sign up for Text Alerts to receive this information via text message to your phone!
An item or items were set out that we do not accept. Please review this information above. In most cases we will tag these items with a brief description of why they were not taken, and what steps you should take next.
There was an excessive amount of uncontained waste. Please be considerate and do your best to keep your garbage contained within your receptacles. Uncontained trash negatively impacts the environment, affects our ability to remain on schedule, and may risk the health and safety of our workers. If you have more garbage than your containers can hold, please let us know before your scheduled pick-up.
Obstructions were blocking the garbage truck from servicing your container. Please make sure all vehicles, equipment, and other potential obstructions are moved a safe distance away from your container. This also includes snow removal and mud. If your dumpster is in a location where our truck could potentially get stuck, please administer removal, or contact us about relocating your container.
Your account may have a past due balance. Please review our Terms and Guidelines for past due payments.
Q: What if I won't be home for an extended period of time?
A: We do offer seasonal, or vacation holds! We can suspend services until you have returned. Just let us know when you will be leaving, and when you are ready for your garbage service to resume. We will only suspend billing if the time period that you will be gone is for 30 days or more.
Q: What if I have a question about my bill?
A: If you have any questions about your bill, you may call our office at (641) 487-7288. You may also contact us via email at info@jerryssanitation.com.
Q: Can I pay for my garbage service with a credit/debit card or ACH/EFT?
A: Yes! Jerry’s Sanitation accepts cards and bank transfers as forms of payment. You can also receive your invoices and make your payments online! Visit our Bill Payment Options page for more information. To request access to your account through our online customer portal, please fill out our Online Account Activation Form HERE, or call our office at (641) 487-7288!